Thursday, July 31, 2008

Big Boy Panties

Dear Ian,

Its been three years now, since you joined our family. And hooo boy, where do I start? We've watched you go from being a sack of potatoes, to rolling, crawling, scooting, standing, pushing, walking, running, climbing. One day you were just a little guy pushing around your trike to a big boy, riding a trike (well, okay. You sit on it. You push the pedals only so far and then steer into parked cars- don't worry. Soon enough you will be pedaling like a champ, making ramps out of random pieces of plywood you steal from construction sites and start jumping over your little brother just like Evel Knevil.)

What can I say. We had no idea how empty our lives wait! Not empty. But how much free time we had! My goodness. If only we knew what we were in for, we would have planned better. All those half completed do-it-yourself projects would have been done. But now. Well, now they don't seem so important. The house is more rustic that way. Rustic is in vogue. Shabby chic. Its our style. Mainly because there are more important things to do. Like read books about dinosaurs and little Chinese boys and the alphabet and about bunnies and counting and Curious George. There are trains to play with and lego things to build!

Now our time is better spent with you (and your little brother). It is spent laughing at silly things, and learning how to pee in the potty (well, sure if you want to spell your name in the toilet go for it, but just wait until winter, when it snows! Spelling your name is far more satisfying then) and saying please and thank you. And giving mommy a kiss when she is laying on the couch because her head is killing her; and you offer her a kiss. All by yourself. With no prompting from anyone. Its sharing our toys with your little brother ("but not the cars," you say. "they have little parts. Could hurt Alex") Its tantrums and not wanting to eat your dinner or take a bath or go to bed.

Its about hearing our own words coming back to us, in your voice:

"No goofing off"

"Five more minutes"

"Its a big honkin' poo!!" (yes, we are slightly obssessed with our bowels)

"I don't wanna get smooshed by a car"

"First things first"

"what do you say when you burp Ian?"- "Cockadoodledooooo!" (For the record, we did not teach him that, he thought that one up on his own. To which Andy snorted water up his nose and almost drowned laughing)

Its about time. And how it seems to be moving too fast. How our baby has become a little boy and how it won't stop. When you were just a wee baby, strangers would come up to me and coo at you. There would always be one (and always a woman) who would say, Enjoy this time with your baby!! I would always resist the urge to slap them because I hated that phrase "enjoy this time with your baby". It rubbed me the wrong way. Maybe because I was tired and felt out of my element most of the time. Babies? What did I know of babies. Nothing. There is no owner's manual. They just pop out - fine, they don't just "pop" out. But once they are out, there they are. Looking at you for guidance and care and feeding and being fussy and crying and seeming to not notice you at all.

But looking back, I think I know what those women were trying to say. I'm not sure there is even a good word for it. One day our little bald, drooling, chubby person smiled at us, that toothless pure joy of a smile and it was then, we finally understood.

So Ian, while you are now three and struggling to be your own person, be independent of mommy and daddy; we will never forget that first smile, that first laugh.

Happy birthday little man!!

Party on dudes!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

D'Alexander Da Great!

The Alexander Action Video!

I've been meaning to post for the last month, but as usual, I am overcome by events most days. This is a euphenism for "too-darn-bloody-tired-every-single-darn-night-to-bother-posting-'cause-I-fall-asleep-on-the-couch-minutes-after-Ian-goes-to-bed-at-8-pm". I ought to turn this blog over to Andy because he can stay up to the wee hours of 10 pm! He's amazing!

As you probably gathered this post is about Alexander. Our little peanut is growing leaps and bounds. And all I can say is, Wow! Its amazing. Its true, we went through this with Ian, but you forget stuff. You truly do. You have to forget stuff or else you:

A) would never have children ever again if you truly truly remembered pregnancy, birth and the first three months

B) um, hmmm..

I think A says it all; also, I forgot what I wanted to say regarding B; SEE?!?! you really do forget stuff.

And being the really bad parents that we are, we never kept any baby books on Ian so we could compare them (which they will need to get use to later in life anyway)- hell I can barely maintain a blog, so baby books are definitely out for me/us.

Anyway, back to Alexander - or as Ian now refers to him, "D'Alexander" or just "D'Alex" - we have no idea why he refers to him this way, but he does. And we of course say, "D'Alex! Not just a city in Texas anymore!" because we THINK we are so funny, but we know how lame we truly are. Um, hi! Where was I? Hey, is this thing on? So just flew in from Chicago..okay nevermind..

Alex has in the last two months, started commando crawling - the dragging of said self across the floor to get one self from one room to the next. He does this well and often just leaves a room forcing us to wonder where he has gone off to. He is now crawling, sort of. He pushes up onto his hands and knees and takes a few "steps" and then stops, makes grunty happy noises (remember how Arnold Horshak, from Welcome back Kotter, laughed? This is the noise he makes. If you do not remember Arnold Horshak this means you are way younger than me, or my parents! Hi mom! Hi dad! Google it - I am sure there is a YouTube of Horshak laughing). He rocks back and forth making thpppppt noises and is so proud of himself. Also, he is PULLING HIMSELF up to stand!!! YES! Stand! The smile that lights up that chubby little face is something else.

Also, he tends to fart when he does his "crawl" hence his other nickname Scooter McTooter. Have I ever mentioned Alex's farting? Probably a good thing that I haven't, let's just say, I gave birth to a frat boy..

AND! AND! aND! he has a tooth coming in, bottom front. He has always stuck everything in his mouth, but now he sticks everything in his mouth and uses that one tooth, which is hugely sharp by the way, I think he is growing a fang, and gnaws with it. He likes to pull himself up in his crib and gnaw on the rail. The crib, which was made for us by a friend because our house, before addition, was so small, a standard sized crib would not fit in the one room available for babies. And no one in the world wants to make a small crib because this is America dammit and everything MUST be huge and unwielding and take at minimum three very large guys to deliver- not to mention the removal of your front door to get it into the house.

Anywho, its a loverly crib, cherry stained and varnished. Alex seems to like the varnish as he gnaws on the crib every night before dozing off. I may try using the "BitterApples " spray that dog owners use to prevent Fido from gnawing on everything. Have I mentioned that Alex's lead test from his 9 month appointment came back fine? Meaning he is NOT full of lead, as we assumed he would be based on the fact he stuffs every inappropriate NOT MADE for infant toy he can find, into his mouth. He is Unleaded! HA! HAHAHAHAHAHA- its a gas! hA! HAHAHAHAHA..There is a reason I should never write when I am this tired.

Also Alex likes to pull himself up on our new fireplace hearth. The one that is roughly a foot tall and all granite with NICE SHARP edges everywhere. Babies, I have decided, have some ancient homing instinct that drives them to always try out their new moves in the worse possible location in your house. His little musical table, which is made for pulling oneself up and stand, and has buttoms when wacked plays tinny musical noises, is of course right next to him; but nooooooo. He scoots straight over to the most dangerous spot in the room. That's our boy! Scoots McToots!

I won't describe his bowel movements, because TMI is TMI - but suffice it to say, they are very very moving events. NO! HA! WAIT! HAHAHAHA...well for him. dramatic. Um, I think for the safety of everyone reading I should stop now and just post pictures of D'Alexander Salamander Scooter McTooter.. (yes, he will never really know what his real name is)

A favorite pastime (Ian did this as well around the same age) is crawling up onto the kitchen shelf and knocking down all the water bottles. Then crawling off with a self satisfied look. I liken it to when Godzilla destroys Tokyo Harbor- well without the fire and the people running away screaming in fear and the fact it was really just a guy in a big rubber suit and..yea,,, just like it

The Step or Climb Every Mountain

Getting into position- Where's my Sherpa?


Hey! Its my big brother! Duuuuuuuude!

Playing blocks! Hey check out the thigh rolls!

And of course the money shot!