Tuesday, October 28, 2008

He Walks!!

On October 26 we had a babysitter hang out with the boys. Andy and I attended a little gathering to celebrate the soon to be nuptuals of a Naval Academy classmate of his. A week later, Alex was shocking/surprising this very same babysitter with his amazing new act: WALKING! Below is a video I shot, about two months ago - and of course never got around to posting on this blog because that would require me to sit at a computer and actually compose something relatively coherent (yes! Its true! I do attempt to be relatively coherent, although that is desparately out of character for me. Not to mention a lot of work. But, dear reader, you are worth it)

Alex and his amazing walking chili pot! I call this his "Halleluah moment" When he, in the middle of pushing something, or free form standing (ie: not holding on to anything) lifts his arms up to the sky and tilts his head back as if to say, "Halleluah brothers & sisters!!!"

This handy dandy contraption, known as the blue,red and yellow trike (Ian's name/description for it) was purchased around the time Ian seemed to be interested in walking. Its nice, because the child can pull himself up, hold on to the back dohickie handle and PUSH. Alex was pushing this around while on his knees (ok. So I tried doing this and maybe its just because I am much much larger than Alex, but dang. That hurts! walking on your knees!! Give it a try. Also, try crawling. That is also rough on the knees. Maybe its just because I am old.)

Alex also climbs (as you can see on this also roughly two month old video) on the seat and pushes himself around- not very well, as walls and chairs and things tend to frustrate his and his forward motion. He has, figured out how to go backwards too- which is much easier to do. And of course, the piece de resistance:

Ian and Alex both started walking the week of Halloween. Ian in '06 and Alex, '08.

And now, some random pictures of boysies and maybe Andy and I if I find something decent:

Taken at the place called Cox Farms. It is required, here in the 'burbs of Washington DC, that you take your child to a "Pumpkin festival" where they charge you are LOT of money to go in and see small animals trapped in cages, moonbounces, and ride slides. Also, cheesy! This place tho' is quite fun and has some pretty cool and amazing slides. This one is a volcano..and yes, I came down right behind Ian! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEe

Alex is not so sure hay sitting is for him

Its mine. I found it. mineminemineminemine. Um. What is it?

Fun on, um, whatever this is!

And, since I cannot possibly leave this blog without making mention of SOMEONE's bowels. Here he is, trying to squeeze a pumpkin out apparently. Check out that face!

And lastly, a video of "My interview with Ian"