I am starting this blog for one reason: I am tired. Very tired. I have never been a very good correspondent. Making telephone calls and chatting on the phone is not where I excel. I am horrible about keeping in touch with people, including my own family (hi mom!). Now that I am the mother of two small children, I find that even if I wanted to call someone, I rarely have the energy to do so. What I really want is a quiet place to go to pee by myself and read a book. I miss reading books that are not made out of cardboard and always end with the protagonist going to sleep. (we have not 1, not 2, but FOUR copies of "Goodnight Moon"- one has coffee AND wine stains in it) Hell, I miss reading a book that has an actual protagonist!
At any rate. This blog is a way for me to keep in touch with my friends and family. For them to see my boys and watch them grow.
Tile floors are fun!
I tried to come up with a clever name, but those were all taken, or as Andy said, would merely garner many hits from perverts. Smytacchi is a name coined by my friend Rebecca (Hi 'Bec!) Also the fact that its past my bedtime (it must be at LEAST 9 pm right now) is not helping in the creativity department.
So say HI to Ian:
He like trains, cars, fire trucks, and knows the words to the song from the show "COPS"* (Everyone! "Bad boys, bad boys, whatchagonna do, whatchagonna do when they come for you..")AND "I've been Working on the Railroad". We think the next songs we shall teach him will be Negro spirituals.
This is Alex:
I am about to hurl
Alex enjoys spitting up, envelopes with little plastic windows, sucking his thumb, his toes, my thumb, Andy's thumb, pretty darn near anything he can stick in his mouth. Ironically enough, Ian, as an infant, would sometimes suck on a pacifier. He never did suck his thumb, or stick random things into his mouth. Alex, on the other hand, hated the pacifier with great hate. Stick it in his mouth and he'd turn red with indignation and holler his head off. He gives a thumbs up to his thumbs.
There you have it. Post number 1. Hopefully you are still awake and coherent! Possibly even sober. Since this is my first attempt, I hope it works. This whole bloggy thing. blogblogblogblog
*(Ian does not watch COPS, we do. Our lives are very incredibly exciting on Saturday night! "OOOO Look honey! rednecks being busted for drugs/alcohol/outstanding warrants! Again!". Also, has anyone noticed that when the show first came on [what? you don't watch COPS?], everyone who was arrested had their face blurred out. Now, NO one has their face blurred. They all signed the waiver. My advice to my boys, DO NOT SIGN THE WAIVER. )
Maybe Maria's attachment to Cops comes from growing up with rednecks in West Terre Haute!!!!
Its my dream to see someone I went to high school, being arrested on COPS! I'm surprised I have not, yet
This is terrific! I totally get your frustration at having a spirit that is willing (to read good books, communicate with others, etc.) but flesh that is either pulled in fifty different directions or just plain pooped out (aka "weak"). I'm sure there's a very poignant observation to be made as to the overbusying of our generation, but I am much too tired to think about it...and I have dinner to start and a kid to drive to a birthday party in fifteen minutes.
I think about blogging sometimes. Fans of my "e-mail updates" have even asked me to start. Maybe you will be my inspiration! Keep up the good work...I'm taking notes.
Hello Mother of My Nephews. Why are the little darlings on the floor? I am calling the Virginia version of DYFS! Right now! Whatcha gonna do when they come for you?????
Isn't my wife funny? That's what happens when you stay up waaaaaaay past your bedtime blogging, and nipping at the cooking sherry.
Bring those boy to Indiana, so they can ride on a real TRACTOR
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