Sunday, July 11, 2010


The summer of change has begun

Pre-school/daycare graduation was a big event. The teachers had the kids practicing dance moves, reciting poems, the pledge, etc for weeks! A room with a stage was booked, caps and gowns were ordered; specific clothing items were suggested for wearing the day of; seriously. It reminded me of, well, graduation. Except when i was in college I sat waaay in the back of the basketball stadium, with the other journalism students and someone passed a bottle of champagne up and down the aisle. Also, it was really really warm that day. And we did not get to recite poems, sing or dance. Which colleges should totally reconsider. Graduation would be fun, rather than mind numbingly boring. Which Ian's was NOT. His was fun.. and cute even..

Trying to get his award ribbon on- note its backwards. He's CEO material for sure

Yes, it appears to be his first kiss, but they are dancing; I forget what song, but I think its Mambo #5.

He was jonesin' for the balloon you can't see in this picture..that is what the red line is. He wanted me to SIT by myself, away from the other parents, so no one else got the balloon. This is why I have no friends.

Ian had to memorize a poem; it was a very existential poem, about a hot dog. Unfortunately Blogger is not allowing me to upload. Well, its uploading then NOT working and its making me nuts. So, if you want to see the video go to my Facebook page. If you are not my friend, oh, please, be my friend!!! Also, the video of the kids doing, only what I can describe as, the "white kid hip shake"

"Summer sun, somethings begun, but uh-oh those summer..days"

At a birthday barbeque... The boys insisted on wearing our running shirts (newly bought, and not stinky) They thought they were hot little stud muffins. And they were hot, because it was approx. 500 million degrees out.

A nature hike at Potomac Overlook Park in Arlington. We are hanging out on some rocks, moments before we decided to just walk around in the water.

The Udvar-Hazy Air and Space museum out near Dulles Airport. If you come to the DC Metro area you should see this the new Smithsonian Museum (its perhaps, 4-5 years old now). Its WAAAY cool. It has the Space Shuttle Enterprise AND the Enola Gay, plus just lots of really, really cool planes, heliocopters, gyroscopes and whatnots. And also, its totally fun to say, UDVAR-HAZY. We should have named the boys Udvar and Hazy..also, on a 100 degree day, it is air conditioned and HUGE and a great place to run around and not bug anyone.

More Udvar-Hazying

And, that's it for this post. i gots nuthin' to say (which is really unusual)

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