Monday, April 14, 2008

Whistle While you Work; Or these shoes look mahvahlous; or a Post about nothing

Many years ago, during the pre-Industrialized time period in this country, most people, ie: your average person, eked out a sustenance living, on small, personal farms. For fun, and to get the darn heck out of the house, last fall, we went to a place called, The Claude Moore Colonial Farm (fun fact! The Claude Moore Farm is located smack dab next to CIA headquarters! To drive there, you follow a road that is lined with lovely Colonial era trees on one side and barbed wire on the other! Another fun fact: If you ever watch a movie where the hero, a CIA operative, heads to CIA headquarters and they show a lovely arial shot of a car driving over a bridge heading into Washington DC- along with the pre-requisite shots of the Jefferson Memorial and the Lincoln Memorial, that is one CIA operative who either needs a new map, OR needs a new job, because the CIA Headquarters is located in Virginia, about 5 miles or so up the road from Washington DC!! End of fun facts; also this is not a national secret, really EVEYONE knows – they have SIGNS on the George Washington Memorial Parkway telling you at which exit it is located!).

Anywho, Mr. Moore’s farm is an 18th century farm (circa. 1771) and shows how 90% of the population lived during this period of time. It was a hardscrabble existence. The house, is about 15 feet x 15 feet big, with a dirt floor, a fireplace/hearth on one wall, a door to get in, a very, very, very, very, small window, and a very small loft space over the, I guess you’d call it the “living space”. The WHOLE family slept in the loft space. Let’s just say, it was very close quarters. EVERYONE worked (including the children). Back then people had children, because, well you just did. There was no way to stop it if you, well, you know (which by the way, everyone sleeping in a loft space probably knew all about, “you knowing”.. including the kids- but anyway...) Children were another pair of hands to help out on the farm.

There is a point to telling you all this. And I wish to make my point using the following pictures:

Please note the shoes Ian is wearing. These are his father’s loafers. NOTE the industriousness of my child! Swiffing the floors! Hey, Ian! You missed a spot! HA! HA!

Speaking of shoes, here is another shot of our little creative dresser:

hey nice bra in the background! Well at least he is not wearing that, just my work shoes; and yes the photos are all askew. I can't figure out how to turn them. Probably was suppose to do that before I uploaded them, or something; Its too late at night and I am too tired to bother right now. So, pfffft.

(My GOD man! What are you doing?!?!)

Gratuitous diaper shot!

Check out my chubby thighs! WOOHOO!

In the what’s new department:

Um, well.. Not much. Andy is almost done with his class for the semester (Andy is working on his master’s). Alexander has started to roll; he’ll roll from back to tummy, and tummy to back; when on his tummy he will push himself up with his arms. To most of you this is or “yea. So what? Shouldn’t he be doing these things?” Well, yes. He should be. He is slightly behind in doing these things. But, then so was his brother- but not as late. Alex has been seeing a Physical Therapist because he was not really moving his head in both directions (ie: left, right) – the pediatrician called it: Tortellini, no. um, Torte- Torte- Torticollis! Anyway, he hates his neck muscle exercises, but is doing much much better. Whenever he rolls over and pushes himself up and looks around, I like to applaud him- this makes him smile. I am creating a little applause monster!

more Alexander Salamander Pictures:

I hate baths, but LOVE to get dressed

I was hoping for the NY Times Crossword myself..but this will do


I SHALL ESCAPE! (Ian says, CHILL Dude! Let's pose!)

Welcome to my ambulance! (this was taked at Gunston Manor, the home of George Mason during a kite festival, where Ian showed no interest in flying the kite, but was totally WOWED by the firefighting vehicles.)

Ha! I have the KEYS! HA!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So, did you need a shoehorn to squeeze the boys into that tiny little box? Can't you and Andy afford a playpen, for pete's sake? And have you forgotten Woodrow? Let's have some pupper pictures, shall we?
Aint Bee