Philosphical question: which came first, the alcoholic beverage? or the snowstorm? Did one begat the other? Discuss.
So here it is, day, um..hmmmmm..5? I think, of SnowmageddonSnowpacolypseSnoverkillSnoMG 2010. Tuesday afternoon we saw the start of another storm; this time gale force winds were predicted. Gusts of up to 30-60 miles per hour were recorded around the area. I have no idea what the winds were at our house, but let's just say, no trees fell over, no power lines went down, our roof did not cave in due to the weight of the snow, and we had stocked up on beer and wine the day before (at a Whole Foods! I feel like such a yuppie, if that term even applies anymore!!). For all this I am thankful.
I have no new pictures as they'd be pretty much a repeat of previous: us in winter gear, us on sleds, us in snow
1. I do not have the patience, the supplies or the creativity to do origami animals, or any other such art project. If coloring with crayons and markers (all washable) on colored paper does not met your artistic expectations, stay away from our house.
2. (Andy is giving the boys a bath as I type this, and just discovered a pooh in the bath water. Alex is obviously guilty based on his laughter, although he is trying hard to pin this on his brother) which brings us to point #3..
3. Alexander is the reincarnation of John Belushi. We expect to spend a great deal of time being called into Dean Wormer's office when he is in college (for 8 years!)*
3.a. Exhibit A of the Alex/Belushi connection: While napping on the sofa Wed. late morning, I was awoken by Alexander, DIVING ON ME from the arm of the sofa, mosh-pit style. He had a wild gleam in his eye and was cackling like a madman (think: bwaaa haaa haa haaaaa).
4. The best thigh workout in the world is carrying a 30+ lb 2.5 year old up the sledding hill, over and over and over..and ohmygod my legs are killing me..
5. Knowing you are getting old when the moguls on the sledding hill, send you airborne and landing on your tailbone, repeatedly, REALLY hurts the next day -especially...
6. Learning how to nod pleasantly as you pass by the three hispanic gentlemen, arguing in the middle of the street. Possibly over the best way to get their plow unstuck from the snow.
7. Realizing those three men were likely out plowing your neighborhood and yes, you and your neighbors are doomed to shoveling out your street yourself.
8. TV is not bad. TV is good. TV keeps your children entertained during a blizzard.
9. Knowing that somewhere, somehow, someone knows you are letting your kids watch WAAAY too much TV because you are exhausted and have run out of ideas to keep them entertained so you can work from home...because the Feds pay their employees if the Federal goverment is closed, BUT NO ONE ELSE DOES..
10. Its impossible to really really get anything done, work related (as in office work) when your children are at home.
11. Amazed at how your husband can sort of tune out the whining/crying/fighting/destruction so he can do work at home.
12. Knowing your children are fully capable of entertaining themselves, but its MORE FUN to bother the parents who are trying to work from home.
13. Thinking, gee I have all this time at home I really ought to vacuum and dust (which are chores that rarely happen here- unless we have company- so come visit! the house is a mess!) and wondering at 8 pm at night what I did all day and how come neither of those two things ever were accomplished, especially on galeforcewindblizzard day?
14. Ian is Calvin (from Calvin and Hobbes)- We have one existential philospher and one frat boy on our hands..
15. Woody is looking forward to us ALL going back to whatever it is we do all day and giving him some peace and quiet.
16. Realizing that I really enjoy the cartoon "Martha Speaks" (its about a dog, that speaks! She developed language skills when, after eating a bowl of alphabet soup, all the alpabets went to her brain! Martha digs learning new words!)
17. Appreciating, again, late in life, just how clever the writers, actors and producers of Sesame Street really are.
18. Making cupcakes with little boys is fun and messy..not to mention full of sprinkles (everything baked in this house gets a heavy coating of colorful sprinkles from the boys)
19. Appreciating all the shoveling Andy did.
20. Wondering how bored our one neighbor was that he spent a lot of time during both snowstorms running out to 7-11 for something (probably coffee, since I don't think he slept at all. He drives a Nissan Armada; Andy calls it the "school bus". He could fit an Armada in the darn thing; without him we'd never be able to get off the street since he smooshed all the snow down).
21. Thankful that we were NOT one of the thousands without electricity for days.
22. Going on early morning runs either while it was snowing or after the snow. No people, no cars, no nothing. Just you and your thoughts (and dodging the occassional snow plow too).
23. Alex, after two days of forcing him to go sledding, began to WANT to sled and ENJOY sledding. We plan to use that therapy money for more wine! WOOHOO!
I think that abouts sums it up. We got a lot of mileage literally and figuratively out of our sleds and snow pants - best money I ever spent. However, I think we need a new winter sport. My tailbone is killing me. By the way, snow totals are ranging from anywhere from 40-58 inches. This is an area that typically MAYBE Might POSSIBLY see 6-7 inches of snow, IF any in a winter.. So, laugh if you want. I think the municipalities (including the federal government) did the right thing by closing everything down.
* If you have not seen the movie "Animal House" I suggest you do. Note to self, good movie to watch during next snowstorm.
1 comment:
It doesn't get any better than discovering a turd in the bath tub, while bathing the boys.
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