Yes, the end is definitely here. The Snow storm of the century, that they spent five days warning us about, actually has happened. Its STILL happening as I type. I'd make snarky Facebook comments about it (Facebook; its like Twitter but with pictures!) but I can't get to Facebook from this computer. It (my computer) has higher standards than I do. The Washington Post Weather blog had a storm naming contest. I believe Snowmagedon has won,but snoMG! was a seriously close second.
So, the day so far:
6:30 am- open door to walk Woody. Realize door won't open. All that pesky snow.
6:35 am- Woody DRAGS me down the street in a foot and a half of snow, because he HAS to pee three houses down. Yes folks. A foot and a half of snow, and it was only 6:35 am; it is now 3-ish pm and its STILL snowing. Virginia, which declared a state of emergency a day and a half ago has already announced that if you live anywhere other than on a snow emergency route you are screwed and good luck until spring! Of course, the Governor used different words. Its gonna be a long long long week. I think "lucky to see a plow by March" was another statement, but don't quote me.
Wood and I walked to check out the neighborhood and realize it all pretty much looks like this:
The street in front of our house at about 7:3o am. Andy's car is the one on the right. Currently (3:33 pm), you can no longer see any part of the car. It is merely a lump in the snow
Our house, side view. That's our neighbor's fence.
The street at the top of our street. The footprints on the left our mine and Woody's. Someone had managed to drive up our street and down this one at some point, but the tracks were quickly filling in. This photo was taken around 7:30 am as well
Here's a shot of the main street out of our neighborhood. The red light in the distance is Lee Highway, which is a major thoroughfare. Again the tracks you see are mine and Woody's. Not too many folks out this morning !
So if you were lucky enough to make it up the main street at of our neighborhood, good luck getting on to Lee Highway! You were met with this more than two foot high wall of snow (again, this is 7:30-ish). This was created by the snowplows. I'm afraid to see how high that wall is now at 3:30 pm.
After walking Woody, I shoveled the sidewalk, took the snow off my car and marveled at how lovely it all looked and resigned myself to the fact that we were stuck. Hopefully no one on the block has some sort of house fire or medical emergency, there ain't no way a fire truck or ambulance can make it here. I also took a page from my "Little House On the Prairie" books, when realizing I could not shovel a path to the backyard, I merely stamped the snow down until I had a path. Let's hope we don't end up burning the furniture in order to heat the home.
9 am; if felt like noon, we ate freshly baked cinnamon rolls, bundled up the boys and trudged outside. Alex cried because it was snowing on his face. Alex also refused to get in the sled, go down the hill, etc. etc. I sense we are not helping him develop a great love of outdoor winter sports at forcing him to "go outside and play dammit" in the snow.
Everything is pretty much shut down in the DC Metro area. Public transit, businesses, even the post office announced it "ain't delivering nothing no how". Andy is out walking Woody. I expect them home tomorrow and they are only going around the block. You may not hear from us again until spring.
Us heading outside to play. May as well enjoy the snow. Alex refuses to get into his sled. I have to carry him all the way to the park.
Me n'Alex
Sled boy...
The boys are dismantling the downstairs so I must go!!!
Reading this blog post, and seeing my other Falls Church friend's comment about her neighbor's impromptu dinner party, makes me miss those days when the snow could slow everything down and make the day feel special. Of course, it's fun for one day when you don't have to go anywhere. Hope it doesn't turn into a huge, ongoing hassle for you.
Not sure I miss the snow itself, though I miss the history of being in a Washington humbled by the weather. I'm lumbering out at dawn for a run, and the temps will hit a humid 85 before I'm gone.
Important question: was the hash canceled?
Steve from Cameroon.. Yes, the end is near. MVH3 cancelled its run Saturday..responsible hashers? Seriously. What IS this world coming to?
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